Since starting this genealogy project the farther I get into it the more I have come to realize the need to verify sources and facts. A couple of times I have found myself get lost by following false facts and leads.
So goal #1 is to complete files of each grandparent, great grandparent, gg grandparent and ggg grandparent. In each file I'm enclosing copies of birth cert., marringe cert., death cert., obituary, and a photo of their gravestone. I am also going to try to find land records for those I knew had property. I need to check all facts, provide source documentation, find each family in the census and transcribe the numerators census information. I also want to make a detailed timeline for each couple, and an accurate family group sheet and share all this information with the rest of my family.
2. Work on Family History Skills classes on the NGS website. I feel these classes will be a help to me as I start to get into unfamiliar territory such as land records and immigration records.
3. I need to get more tech savvy and set up a family genealogy website to be able to share information about my findings with my family. This may also help me find others out there that are researching a branch in the same family line.
4. In the summer as I spend time in the various cemeteries in my area I would like to help with Find-A Grave. I am going to check the Find-A-Grave website and see if I can fill the requests by adding a photo for another genealogist.
5. I still have boxes of old family photos that need to be scanned and identified. I realize I may never find the identities of some but maybe by scanning and adding them to my families website someone may have a lead for me to follow.
6. Last but not least I would like to attend the NGS Family History Conference in Cincinnati OH. My schedule may only allow me to attend on Saturday May 12th but looking at their program there are several classes I would enjoy. The chance to socialize and meet other genealogists is at the top of my list. I am also planning on going thru the the exhibition hall and looking at all the new genealogy tools that are out there.
This is going to be a challenge for me to complete while still working full time but I'm going give it my best shot and see what happens.